Monday, July 26, 2010

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You know E3. The electronic entertainment expo… sounds like EA but it’s not, it’s a brilliant collection of video-game conferences and huge epic win announcements. It’s been the source of the industry’s hottest news for almost 15 years and by god has it changed. Every year we’re treated to the greatest and most hyped video-game event of the year, yet we take it for granted how much it’s changed to suit our needs… well.. E3 has currently entered a hybrid phase of old, new and downright silly styles but surely the great olden days will return.. right?


E3 started out as a little event in Los Angeles and it grew over the years to a public hotspot. 60,000 attendees were reported in 2006, and that was just at the height of the power. Exhibitions would launch massive invites to the public to say “hey guys, come play the very next hot video-games.” oh and they also had booth babes. These girls would be paid to stand around waiting for the public gamer to invade the stand, clam around them and try to flirt around. Then they would hand out pamphlets while going up to do sexual positions with the stand ornaments… or was that just my fantasy.

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